So, you've made it through the c25k and wonder, what's next? Well, here is a listing of playlists for both race days and for training runs longer than the 30 minute finale of the c25k.
Race Day mixes will not include the 5 minute warmup and will give voice prompts at every 5 minute mark, 3 minutes remaining, 1 mintue remaining and 30 seconds remaining. Workout mixes will include a 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cool down and will give voice prompts at every 5 minute mark, 3 minutes remaining, 1 mintue remaining and 30 seconds remaining.
Note: Some of the newer and longer playlist will prompt every 10 minutes in lieu of every 5 mintues.
If you click on the playlists and it doesn't open a save dialog and instead tries to play the file, please right click on the file and choose "save target as". The file will be downloaded from our content server.